
Add 2 Chainz to anything, anywhere. Tru.

Turn up the volume!

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2 Chainz raps some crazy lyrics. So clearly you want them everywhere.


Here's the twochainzify code running on this page. Click, mouse, and scroll to experience 2 Chainz.

// Every 400px scrolled

// Every click on <p>
    twochainzify('p', {'on': 'click', 'interval': 1});

// Every 2nd mouseover on <code>
    twochainzify('code', {'on': 'mouseover', 'interval': 2});

// Every mouseout on <h2>
    twochainzify('h2', {'on': 'mouseout', 'interval': 1});

What it does

twochainzify can add 2 Chainz himself rapping on any element of your webpage. You can configure him to rap on any DOM event including scrolling, clicks, mouseovers, etc. You can bind him to specific elements and set how often you want him to rap. Using base64 encoded audio, twochainzify is 100% contained in a single file.


Call twochainzify with an optional selector and optional options:

twochainzify([selector] [, options]);


  • 'on' (string): Defaults to 'scroll' if selector is window or null, else 'click'
  • 'interval' (int) Defaults to 400(px) for scroll, 10(triggers) for others

Interval: For scrolling this is the number of scrolled pixels necessary to trigger 2 Chainz. For all other events this is the number of times the event is triggered. Set to 1 to call 2 Chainz every time.


Make 2 Chainz rap every 400 pixels scrolled:


Every 500 pixels scrolled:

twochainzify({'interval': 500});

Every 10 times a <p> tag is clicked:


Every time an <a> tag is moused over:

twochainzify('a', {'on': 'mouseover', 'interval': 1});

Every 5 times a <div class="2chainz"> is clicked:

twochainzify('.2chainz', {'on': 'click', 'interval': 5});


Clone the repo and npm install to get the dev dependencies.

grunt builds the completed dist/twochainzify.js.

grunt sounds executes script/base64encode.js, which converts all the MP3 and OGG files in assets to base64 and writes them into src/sounds.js.

grunt dist builds all the files in dist.

Issues and pull requests are welcome. Follow the existing syntax and run grunt dist when you're done.


twochainzify is released under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2014 Dana Silver.